Strawberry Basil-Lime Smoothie

Ooh, does this just taste like summer!

Here’s a heads up though. There is a reason I took a photo BEFORE I blended it all up and it’s not just to be all artsy. This smoothie contains 2 different color foods, green and red. And if you remember your days in elementary art studying the color wheel, green + red = brown. Not pretty for a smoothie, but unfortunately how many of them turn out! So let the “before” picture inspire you to make this one, because the “before” picture is a whole lot more appetizing and actually resembles what it does taste like!

That said, this smoothie is bursting with some of my favorite summer flavors, and when I’ve got a big pot of basil growing on the back patio, I just love to throw it into everything. Plus adding herbs like basil, parsley, mint or cilantro is just a good idea nutritionally! Herbs aid in digestion and detoxification of the body and are a great source of antioxidants. Between the greens, berries and lime this smoothie is also a super alkalizing nutrition source for your body. I like to lighten up my summer smoothies by using coconut water rather than almond milk, but you could use a non-dairy milk  or plain old filtered water as well.


Strawberry Basil Lime

Strawberry Basil-Lime Smoothie

Serves 2


2 cups coconut water (or filtered water)

2 cups spinach

2 cups strawberries

1/2 avocado

large handful of fresh basil

juice of one lime

1 tablespoon honey


Add all ingredients to a high speed blender and blend until smooth and creamy.


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