I’m fresh off a rejuvenating cleanse, which led to some major shifts and progress in different areas of my life. I used this cleanse to focus on clearing the clutter, not just internally, but externally from my life. I had a profound sense that my cluttered mind and mass of unused, unloved, outdated and worn stuff, was both a huge burden and tremendous energy drain. At its essence, de-cluttering, or “clearing”, is about moving stuck energy. It’s about way more than just cleaning house, and it’s completely necessary in helping us recover some balance, energy and focus into our lives.
I am currently in the process of waging this war on my stuff. I have tried this before, with minimal success, but this time it feels different. I understand the deeper reasons I need to do it and I’m actually changing my habits.
The last time I attempted to de-clutter my life, I wrote the following in a social media post. “I am overwhelmed by the quantity of clutter, clothes, shoes, books, games, old towels, old sheets, old cosmetics, mini shampoo bottles, bags, a ridiculous number of water bottles and mismatched mugs, school projects, magazines, and piles of papers, among many other things that are no longer loved or useful, but endlessly distracting by their sheer presence.” I felt overwhelmed, but while I did manage to make a couple of trips to Goodwill in the days after I wrote that, after the final bags left my car, my habits and life stayed pretty much the same, just with a little less junk.
One of the “mantras” I repeat often is “Every time you eat you are either feeding disease or fighting it.” As with food for the body, the same goes for our living environment. Everything in our environment can either further our goals or work against us. It can affect our peace of mind and the health of our bodies. I’ve got the food part down, most of the time. Where I fail, hugely, is making sure that my environment supports a healthy lifestyle and mindset. This is humbling, to say the least, because as they say, you’re outside environment is a reflection of your inner world. OUCH! Cluttered home/office/car = cluttered mind. But it’s so true. What I am learning now is that the simple act of clearing clutter is generating new energy and allowing me to create space in my life for the things I want to achieve. I’m learning that this clearing practice is a daily choice in many different areas of my life and that the presence of old, outdated stuff drain my energy and keep me stuck in ways I didn’t realize when I was going through my “purge” last year. And its working wonders. My energy is shifting and clarity is rising!
Clutter creates stress. Clutter overwhelms. Every time I can’t find something I need and spend time looking for it, whether it’s a paper or a t-shirt, drains my energy. Every time I glance at the growing pile of (mostly junk) mail and unread magazines that I think I’m actually going to read “someday”, it drains my energy. Every time I can’t find a practical space to put something, despite the fact that I live in a pretty big house, it drains my energy.
You know what else clutter does? It causes us to live in the past. I want to move forward, always, not stay stuck holding on to old stuff and living in old patterns. I want to prioritize the things that matter, and light me up, like family, friends, work, hobbies and passion projects. I want to get rid of the “to do” list that lives in my subconscious when I am living in a disorganized space, with too much stuff that doesn’t serve a purpose.
Home is a sacred space that should accurately reflect who we are becoming. It’s important for our physical and mental health to maintain our space. I’m learning even more about what I truly value and this is helping me to let go of all this stuff I’ve held onto for a very long time. The stuff that is just here, taking up space, consuming my energy, though it no longer serves me or provides any value to my life.
In this world of craziness, busyness and distraction we’re all craving a bit of simplicity and a sense of connection to a deeper part of ourselves. This is the part of ourselves we’ve lost touch with amongst all of the striving and the stuff. It’s difficult to pursue the things that make us feel most alive, when we are overwhelmed by our environment.
I’m no expert, but my advice if you’re looking to de-clutter your life, would be to start small. This seems to be working for me, rather than becoming overwhelmed by making it one big project. Every day do just one thing. Just begin. Clear out one purse, or one drawer. Throw out one magazine. Just start moving the energy around. It creates momentum. And as you clear your space and begin to move out the old, not only do you make room for the new, but you actually create a brand new energy for yourself, feel refreshed and inspired.
Getting rid of clutter will give you a huge burst of energy! If you’re having trouble meeting other goals, it’s a great place to begin, so you can gain the energy you need to tackle even bigger goals.
If you’re looking for a place to start, I’d recommend Marie Kondo’s book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. You’ve probably heard of this book, but you may not have read it. Her style of de-cluttering may not suit everyone, and she has an unconventional way of looking at mundane objects, but the information she provides about the effect of stuff on our lives and habits is really valuable.
I’d love to hear about the “clearing” projects you’re tackling and any progress you’re making! I’d also love to hear any tips you have for de-cluttering that might help me on my journey!! Let me know in the comments!
Happy “clearing”,
A friend of mine just set up a purge challenge based on a game set up by The Minimalists. We were each paired up and the object is to purge 1 thing on day 1, 2 things on day 2 etc all the way through one whole month- in the end that’s a LOT of stuff! On day 7 I got rid of a 7 inch pile of filing!! Each day you send a photo of your purged items to your partner- it was a huge motivator to have a buddy!
That is awesome!! I love that idea! Thanks for sharing Sarah!