Do you struggle with this? Resistance


I love the image of the flower breaking through the dry, cracked earth, above. We can bloom right where we are, despite all of the forces trying to keep us down, both real and imagined. What keeps so many of us from doing what we want to do? Why do we get so stuck? Why, despite our best intentions for the day, does our most important goal not get met?

I’m not lazy. I don’t think I have ADD. So what is it? Thanks to…

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The “art” of health. Perspectives on health and diets

Nourishing mind, body and spirit is a creative process which comes from within you. It is based on your intuitive sense of what your body needs and what it doesn’t. What makes you feel great and what just doesn’t. Unfortunately, instead of taking a creative and nurturing approach to health, most people reach for the latest diet book, believing that it will finally be the one to give them the perfect body and perfect health they’ve been hoping for forever. But most diet books don’t leave any room for creativity and exploration. They may also be very restrictive and not sustainable for…

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