2020 Vision

The winter solstice is behind us (bring on longer days, slowly but surely!) and a new decade is days away! 

As is normal for this time of year, I’m doing a lot of reflecting on the past year and looking ahead to a new year and decade and I bet you are too.

This is the perfect time of year to take stock of what’s really important and to decide where we want to focus in the coming new year.

As fun as they are, if…

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6 Essentials of Wellness

There’s no denying the great power of nutrition. I believe wholeheartedly in the power of food to both heal and conversely, to harm. Most wellness journeys begin with some sort of dietary shifts and this is a great thing! But health is built through lifestyle, not just diet, and nourishment comes in many forms. In order to look at health holistically and make bigger shifts for your health and life, there are some other key areas that need to be addressed. I believe that health and healing begin on the plate, but don’t end there.

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Aging Healthfully and Purposefully

I’ve just celebrated another milestone birthday. As is common for many people hitting a milestone number sooner than ever expected, I’ve spent quite a bit of time reflecting on the insanely rapid passage of time. How did I get here so fast? Seriously, what’s happening? I’m truly stunned! Stunned!

We can’t stop the march of time, but we can make the most of it, by prioritizing our own health. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It all matters.

Prioritizing our health allows us to run hard after our purpose and to serve the…

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The first step to gaining energy (and ease!) this year

Does anyone else feel like they kind of crawled into the New Year? As much as I’d like to say I couldn’t wait to turn the page on another calendar year, starting fresh and new, this hasn’t exactly been the case. 2018 stretched me in many good ways, but also sapped my energy and I finished the year feeling drained and a wee bit anxious about the year ahead. 2019 feels daunting in many ways, as I’m preparing for lots of change, but I also know the year has a lot of excitement and good in…

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12 Tips to Spring Clean Your Body and Life

There is some serious March Madness going on around here. And I’m not talking basketball, although we’ve got that too! When your husband works for the NCAA, there is simply no escape from watching all 243,000 (at least that’s what it seems like!) basketball games this month!

But my favorite part of March is that day (when there may or may not be a basketball game on) that it also ceases to be winter. At least officiallySo, let’s celebrate, because that day is TODAY. Spring fever is my March Madness!

Let’s celebrate by getting aligned with all that Spring stands for.


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The Sacred Table

“Learn, little by little, meal by meal, to feed yourself and the people you love, because food is one of the ways we love each other, and the table is one of the most sacred places we gather.

~Shauna Niequist from Bread & Wine, a love letter to life around the table

I love this quote. As someone who spends a great deal of time thinking, teaching, writing about and cooking food, this quote really resonates with me! The table truly is a sacred place, so this is a sacred week! Thanksgiving is the ultimate celebration of…

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Staying Positive (Even When You Don’t Feel That Way)

I’m struggling with my positive vibe right now. Let’s just put that out there. And I don’t take this struggle lightly. After all, my mission in life and my job is to inspire and motivate others toward their healthiest life and most vibrant well-being. When I don’t feel vibrant myself, this becomes more challenging for me and I don’t do what I’m supposed to do. So, I’m working hard to practice what I preach, and to implement strategies to stay optimistic and hopeful despite circumstances. To stay in a positive place rather than succumb to toxic negativity. To rise…

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Self Care: Necessity not Luxury

An empty lantern provides no light…
Now there’s some obvious truth. But we’re going to think about it a little deeper. If you want to think of it in the more cliché version “You cannot pour from an empty cup”, you may. However, cliché or not, Still. True. Here’s a little post about YOU being a lantern worth lighting (or, if you prefer, a cup worth filling!)

It’s just way too easy to put ourselves last, over-commit and mismanage our time, with the frantic pace of life sometimes. Whether we’re in a full-time position of caring for others, or working to…

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What is functional medicine?

I’ve recently begun working in a functional medicine practice, a couple days a week, as a health coach. As I’ve been discussing this new opportunity with friends and family, I’ve often gotten the question “What exactly is functional medicine?” “How is it different?”

I love these quotes by Hippocrates (the father of medicine) which can serve as a quick introduction!

“The natural healing force within each of us, is the greatest force for getting well”

“If someone wishes to get well, one must ask himself if he is willing to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is…

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Good-bye clutter, hello energy, clarity and focus

Do you ever feel stuck? Like you’re just not moving forward and your energy feels somehow trapped? I’ve definitely had this feeling, and think I’ve finally figured out the root cause, at least for me. One word. Clutter.

I’m fresh off a rejuvenating cleanse, which led to some major shifts and progress in different areas of my life. I used this cleanse to focus on clearing the clutter, not just internally, but externally from my life. I had a profound sense that my cluttered mind and mass of unused, unloved, outdated and worn stuff, was both a huge burden and tremendous energy…

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