Tips for the Healthiest Holidays

Take a minute to step aside from the holiday swirl of your life right now.

Read this blog post as a reminder to slow down and carve out some time and space to truly nourish yourself this holiday season. At this time of year more than ever, we tend to abandon our own self care and goals, in the name of getting it all done, perfectionism and even holiday cheer. But we can easily find ourselves losing touch, running out of steam and not supporting ourselves nutritionally or spiritually. There is a certain kind of balance that needs to happen…

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The essential habit to help you prep for a new year

In just a few weeks, the calendar is going to turn again, giving us that symbolic clean slate and a chance to refocus, reset, renew and even re-invent if we want to. How do you prepare to move forward, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually? Do you?

In my opinion? Journaling may just be the most essential habit to help you prep for a new year. ‘Cause we don’t want to just head into this thing blindly. This is gonna take some reflection, and the stakes are high. This is a whole new year of your life and that’s big!

I’ve written before…

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