Simple Ingredient Swaps for Cleaner Eating

One of the easiest ways to make every day a little bit healthier is with simple ingredient swaps that don’t sacrifice taste or joy! Below I’ve listed some of my favorite swaps, with a brief description of why.

If you don’t care about the why, just the what, skip to the bottom of this post! I created a PDF list which you can download or print for your reference. Post it in your pantry as a reminder!

Consider replacing some or all of the following foods and step up your clean eating habits!

Artificial Sweeteners: Artificial sweeteners are hugely problematic for many…

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Hearty Pumpkin Chili

It’s October, so pumpkin everything! Yes, even chili.  ‘Tis the season, and in the effort to eat seasonal we’re going all pumpkin, all the time. I’m making pumpkin smoothies, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pancakes, so why not chili too?

Chili is one of those meals that has endless adaptations and still always seems to turn out just right, even with pumpkin. Especially with pumpkin! Pumpkin is the ultimate fall flavor and works deliciously in a chili! It adds a creamy richness, and just a hint of flavor. It’s also a great source of fiber and nutrients like vitamins A and C…

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Choosing Ease Over Easy

“What we hope ever to do with ease, we must learn first to do with diligence.” Samuel Johnson

Life is so hard sometimes! There is so much stress. The to-do lists never end, life happens all the time and craziness abounds despite our best efforts at control. But a hard life doesn’t mean a bad life! It’s just hard. It takes effort. It’s not carefree and relaxed all the time. And would we really want it to be? Because if life was easy we would never grow. We only grow when we stretch and leave our comfort zone, whether by…

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