Fuzzy Vision, Imperfect Action & the Pursuit of Purpose

Have you noticed a shift in people? It seems like more than ever, people are seeking their unique gifts and callings and are compelled by a strong desire to live them out. I think its part of the reason wellness is such a huge topic these days. It’s not just that people want to lose weight and give themselves the best chance against disease, although these are huge benefits. They want to be well in mind, body and spirit, so they can function at a high level and have the energy and stamina it takes to live fully into their…

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Simple Snack Guacamole


Simple Snack Guacamole


1 avocado

juice from one lime (or lemon)

2 cloves garlic, minced

1/2 teaspoon sea salt

2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped (optional)

Peel avocado and remove pit. Mash avocado, then add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Serve with chopped veggies or tortilla chips.

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Sweet Potato Chips

Sweet potato “chips” are one of my favorite snacks. They are a comfort food. Satisfying and tasty. I have “chips” in parentheses because no matter how hard I try, I can’t get them perfectly crispy or like the pics in the magazines. I don’t have a fancy slicer to get them paper thin, which I believe is what you need to get them crispy all over. But you know what? I. don’t. care. They are so good the way I make them, kind of half chewy, half crispy. I like to switch up the flavors too. You can make a…

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Feed It Like You Believe It

Keeping it short and sweet this week. Summer’s winding down and my kids are only home for a few more days until school starts! Agh!

Anyway, I’ve been thinking lately….

I don’t think most people know how amazing they are. Otherwise I don’t think we would have the health crisis that we do.

I believe that in general, the foods we eat are a reflection of how we feel about ourselves and eating well is a form of self-respect. I’m not talking about the fun and necessary indulgences that are a part of celebrating and enjoying life. I’m not even talking about…

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