As I was going through my daily routine the other day, it dawned on me how many foods I’ve incorporated into my diet over the past few years, that maybe I didn’t pay that much attention to before, but now I simply couldn’t live without! They are so deeply ingrained into my eating habits and have boosted my health so drastically that I wouldn’t know where to begin if my kitchen wasn’t stocked with them and frankly when I run out, it’s a bit of a crisis for me! These foods didn’t become staples overnight. It was a process. Adding better things in, to crowd not so great things out. And while some days I might have a “bad food” day, because my diet is far from perfect (and there’s no such thing as a perfect diet anyway), I undoubtably have eaten at least some of these foods as well, so I know I’m ahead of the game. I thought I would share my list with you, because, while it’s nothing earth shattering, I know you could benefit from some of these foods as well. I have mentioned many of them in other posts, and if you’ve done any of my cleanses you are already familiar with most of these and hopefully have incorporated them into your life in a more permanent way. This list does not include any fruits or veggies, which is why lemons, avocados and kale (among a long list of others which are also staples in my house), are not on the list. I’ll try to keep this as brief as possible, while still giving you the info you need! Also, these are in no particular order.
- Raw Apple Cider Vinegar– Not only do I begin every single day drinking a concoction of lemon, water and RACV (you can find my recipe here), but I also use this as a base for salad dressings and in any recipe that calls for vinegar, unless I’m more in a balsamic mood. The brand I use is Braggs, but you can use any brand as long as it is raw. This is important because it means the enzymes that make this so healthy are still viable and haven’t been killed off by heat processing. RACV has tons of health benefits, almost too many to list, so here are the basics. It is rich in enzymes to support a healthy immune system, while promoting great digestion and alkalinity in the body. Great for detox and an energy boost too! Want to be less sick this winter? Add RACV to your diet.
- Seeds-Hemp/Chia/Flax– I add seeds to everything. Smoothies especially, but also oats or quinoa, soups, salads… Hemp seeds are my absolute favorite protein boost (3 tbsp gives you 10 grams of complete protein) which makes it perfect for smoothies which can sometimes be lacking in protein. They also provide the perfect ratio of omega 3’s and 6’s, are rich in nutrients and fiber and are basically just an all around perfect food. Chia and flax have many of the same benefits, so I use these too. Sometimes I use all 3 at once. Over the top, I know.
- Coconut Oil– This is my oil of choice for cooking (unless I’m cooking Italian, then it’s olive oil all the way) and I also add it to smoothies and sometimes tea or warm milk at the end of the day. Coconut oil provides essential nutrients, and is a great source of medium chain fatty acids which convert instantly to energy. This means a great boost for you and your metabolism. It is antimicrobial, antifungal and antibacterial, which means I can cure my sons ear infections with it (and I have! No antibiotics!) It’s also the only moisturizer I use. Very multipurpose!!
- Non-dairy milk- My favorites are almond and coconut milk and these have replaced cow’s milk in our house. Dairy is one of those edgy and emotional topics that I’m not going to get into here, but everyone knows about the yucky stuff in most milk, and in my house, less dairy is better. We eat some cheese and yogurt, but for milk, it’s non-dairy all the way.
- Raw honey- This is the natural sweetener I use, along with maple syrup, to replace refined white sugar. I use it in smoothies, tea, oats, snacks, drinks, salad dressings, anything that needs to be sweetened. Yes, it is still sugar, but raw honey is not refined, and has beneficial nutrients and enzymes. It hasn’t been stripped of the good stuff and turned into a toxin the way refined white sugar has. Still best used in moderation, and we do.
- Raw Cacao – I can not live without chocolate, ever, and great thing, we don’t have to! Raw chocolate is a powerful superfood, one of the best out there, and has a very high antioxidant content (significantly more than processed dark chocolate and even blueberries!) I buy the powdered form and sometimes the nibs (like choc chips) My family loves chocolate smoothies and this is how we make them, along with healthy chocolate snacks and desserts and hot cocoa too. We use it a lot, and never feel guilty about it!
- Organic eggs- Eggs are a quick and easy source of protein. Now that the cholesterol myth has been busted, we can all enjoy these more freely, right? Eggs are my go to lunch when I need something quick, either scrambled with greens, or sunnyside up. Always with a side of Ezekiel bread! Think you have nothing in the house to cook for dinner? I bet you have eggs. I love omelets for dinner!
- Ezekiel Bread– As mentioned above, this is often part of my lunch, sometimes breakfast. I love it toasted with mashed avocado, or eggs (or both!), nut butter, or just alongside a salad. Most bread products in the store are highly refined even when they say whole grain or whole wheat. They are still made from refined flour. Ezekiel bread contains no flour at all, just sprouted live grains. Sprouting grains releases the nutrients and activates the beneficial enzymes and makes the nutrients more bio-available to your body. It also creates a complete protein containing all 9 essential amino acids. Another huge plus is that it’s low-glycemic, unlike regular bread, which turns to sugar very quickly in your body, causing a big blood sugar spike. Just a note…Ezekiel bread contains sprouted wheat grains, so it is not gluten free.
- Quinoa- Considered a super-grain, quinoa is another nutrient dense protein source, containing tons of vitamins and minerals, including iron and magnesium. It’s also gluten free, which is a major health bonus, especially if you don’t tolerate gluten! Quinoa and brown rice are typically the grains I serve when I serve grains. There are lots of healthy, gluten free grains, but quinoa is so versatile and can be served sweet as a breakfast cereal or savory with veggies. (And, you can buy it in bulk at Costco, so it’s not so expensive!)
- Nut butter- Almond butter, cashew butter, sunflower seed butter. I love all of these options for spreading on toast, adding to smoothies, using in desserts, or making one of my favorite snacks, apples or bananas with nut butter! Nut butters (including peanut butter) are another good source of protein and contain beneficial nutrients. We have peanut butter in the house, but it’s a bit further down the chain nutritionally, so I opt for the others unless I’m really craving it.
- Spices– Used daily around here in everything…cinnamon, ginger, garlic, cayenne, turmeric…spices are an incredible health boost. They fight disease, inflammation and combat blood sugar issues. Start adding more spices to your meals and you are taking a huge step for your health, not to mention much more flavorful food!
- Herbs- Like spices, herbs have extreme health benefits, also combating disease and inflammation in the body and seriously aiding in detoxification. Certain herbs, like cilantro, bind to heavy metals and help rid your body of them. Good news for all of us with fillings in our teeth! I go through A LOT of cilantro, basil and parsley. A LOT.
I hope this list inspires you to look at some of the staples in your house! Take a quick review of the things you eat daily. Can you make any healthy swaps? Everything counts. One small swap at a time!
Live nourished,