The Sacred Table

“Learn, little by little, meal by meal, to feed yourself and the people you love, because food is one of the ways we love each other, and the table is one of the most sacred places we gather.

~Shauna Niequist from Bread & Wine, a love letter to life around the table

I love this quote. As someone who spends a great deal of time thinking, teaching, writing about and cooking food, this quote really resonates with me! The table truly is a sacred place, so this is a sacred week! Thanksgiving is the ultimate celebration of the table. We will spend many hours, possibly even days in the kitchen, planning, preparing, cooking, tasting…for this one meal. Those not in the kitchen will likely spend hours (possibly even days) dreaming of, imagining and anticipating this feast!


The table is the place where we get nourished, not only physically, but emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is a place of deep connection to others, a place to celebrate life. A time to come together, share stories, slow down. Traditions around the table tell a story of who we are and where we came from.

The table is a place to say grace and also to practice it.

Love goes into the preparation of a meal, then gets served up on dishes to those around the table.

Most people, even if they don’t enjoy, or aren’t particularly good at cooking a meal, will take special care this time of year. They will attempt to create a meal with their own hands, because somewhere inside they know this is important. The labor that goes into it makes the meal more special, worth more. The process of creating to nourish, the community it inspires. It’s significant.

I love the image of food being the currency we offer one another. In her book, Shauna Niequist says “Food is the starting point, the common ground, the thing to hold and handle, the currency we offer one another. It’s the thing that connects us, that bears our traditions, our sense of home and family, our deepest memories, and on a practical level, our ability to live and breathe each day. Food matters.”

Food does matter and one of my hopes is to inspire people to come back to the table for nourishment. To create more space for nourishment on all levels. To get away from the fake and the fast food that is the natural go-to as a result of our fast paced lives. It doesn’t have to be gourmet or costly or ultra healthy, but food made with love nourishes better.

Cherish the process of creating these meals and these memories. Cherish the faces around the table this week. These are the people that keep you grounded and protected, your safe haven from the challenges of daily life. You know their story and they know yours and that’s worth something!

Wishing you many joy-filled moments around the table this holiday season! Happy Thanksgiving!



Looking for delicious holiday recipes that will support, not sabotage your clean eating lifestyle and health goals? Download my free holiday recipe guide Naturally Nourishing Holidays, with 10 delicious plant-based recipes, naturally dairy, gluten, grain and refined sugar-free!

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